There was lots of buzz surrounding Canonical's Ubuntu for Android announcement a few years ago. It was said to be the new "3rd OS". It was to be just behind IOS and Andorid. When the product was finally released you could only install it on a handful of devices, and even then I was never able to install a fully working version only a preview build. My interest quickly fizzled, and I'm sure I was not the only one. It seemed as if Ubuntu for Android was dead for ever, but this is not so. Android Authority recently reached out to Canonical to see what exactly happened with Ubuntu for Android. Below is their response. 

We are very happy with the reception of both the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS desktop, and the early Ubuntu phone images. We think these development show a desire in the market place for Ubuntu, and an Ubuntu for Android (U4A) solution would be a good way for it to reach users.
We still believe that U4A is a great product concept and that consumers would welcome the feature. The development within Ubuntu for U4A is complete. To take the development further requires a launch partner in order to make the necessary modifications on the Android side.
We are currently not in concrete discussions with launch partners, but we are still very much open to such a partnership. We are focused on Ubuntu for Phones at the moment, therefore we are not actively pushing for Ubuntu for Android.However, if a prospective partner steps forward, we are very much open to launching Ubuntu for Android.
It seems that Canonical will be focusing more on Ubuntu for Phones and less on Ubuntu for Android for now. 

 Android Authority


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