The South Korean electronics giant has claimed that its new flagship device the Samsung Galaxy S5 that was launched few days back has been selling better than its previous flagship model Galaxy S4. The Galaxy S5 now has the highest opening day sales for Samsung setting a new record and it is 30% more than its predecessor. This report came from ZDnet Korea and in some parts of the European market the device sales got twice compared with its earlier model.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 went on sale starting from April 11th in 125 different countries globally and will be launched in another 25 new markets in the coming few days making the availability of this device in 150 different countries. The Company has sold 10 million units during the first month sales of its Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy S3 sold the same 10 million units in the first 50 days of its sale. However Samsung did not revealed the number of Samsung Galaxy S5 units sold in the first day of the sale.

Samsung was criticized for retaining the same design from its predecessors but it still going on sale pretty well. Samsung has also claimed that there is high demand for the device in countries like Saudi Arabia, India and France and also said that there was a big line for the Galaxy S5 in those markets. The markets experts and analysts are expecting the sales of Galaxy S5 sales to cross 10 million within the first month of its launch since the all Galaxy S device has better sale than its predecessors till date.
Let me remind you that the latest flagship device will come with many new features like Heart rate sensor, Finger print scanner and much more. Along with the device the Samsung Galaxy Gear Fit and Gear 2 smart watch was also released. Are you planning to get this device? Already got one? Drop your comments below.


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